Thursday, April 3, 2014

Morning visitor

Well good morning to you, Mr. Owl! 
I was on my way out the door this morning and this owl flew by me about 15ft from the ground.  He was amazing.  I knew tthere was a chance I might be late to work, but I dropped my lunch bag and went back into the house to get my camera.  I followed him around my father-in-law's garage where he was perched high in the pine tree.  He was very curious as to what my motives were for "sneaking" up on him and he kept peeking out from behind the branch.  He flew away to another tree and I followed, out behind the garage now.  I didn't get any good pictures of him from that point because he was too far up and blocked by the branches.  There were smaller birds following him too, which puzzles me.  I assume it's because if the owl gets something, maybe the other birds get leftovers??  Anyhow, thought I would share this with you.  I love taking pictures too, did I mention photography is one of my most favorite outdoor "sports"?  Have a good evening!

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