Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sea Glass Hunting

Hi there!  It's been awhile.  I have been a little busy tending the vegetable plants (pictured below) and the weather has been great so not much time spent inside on the computer.  The greenhouse is out back and when we move to camp for the summer, we will just load it on the trailer and take it with us.  I should take some new pics of the plants, they are going crazy!  Had to repot the zucchini and cukes already. 

I decided today to go to Marlboro Beach in Lamoine to hunt for some sea glass.  I love walking the beach and combing for treasures of ships from the past.  Sounds good, but most of the time I find pieces of broken beer and wine bottles.  Today I found a nice piece of light blue glass.  Not sure what it is a bit from, but it is pretty and nicely smoothed.  After about a half hour of searching my eyes started to get buggy!  It was pretty windy out there today as well.  Marlboro Beach is a place that is wide open and alot of folks go there to fly kites, because the wind is usually perfect there.  The tide goes out pretty far also and you can go out on the sand bar where the seagulls are picking up mussels and crabs, dropping them from up in the air and then swooping down to eat the juicy seafood dinner.  I love the ocean and it's sounds and smells.  The air is crisp and salty and you carry that smell with you.  Anyone know of any good areas to find sea glass in Eastern Maine?  I would love to check out some new areas. 

Well, it's time to close for now and I promise not so long until the next time!  Have a good night and thank you for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Snow is almost gone!

I am so glad that the snow is melting fast. The crocus` are coming up, the birds are going crazy and I have the fever for running! PT appointment yesterday went well. He said I can get back at it on Saturday! Every other day though for the first week :( better safe than sorry. My owl is still around and amazingly I haven't had any squirrels around....hmmm, I think the owl got them or they are petrified of being caught so they stay hidden.  Anyway, I love that they aren't hogging the bird feeders.
I have to tell you, I started my garden around March 18 and it is growing so good! I have zucchini plants that have there first ruffley leaves. I hope it starts warming up soon so I can get the plants into the greenhouse. Still only in the low 30s tops at night.
Peace out for tonight! Thanks for stopping by ;)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

In the kitchen.

Good morning! I'm typically not the cooking type. The quickest way out of the kitchen is the way I take.   my husband jokes about me wanting to go out as many nights a week as possible.  However, I do enjoy home cooked meals and get so sick of the same old same old.. So now and then I get out interest or a cookbook and try something new. Probably the biggest reason I dislike being in the kitchen is the brainstorming and trying to figure out what to do, making a shopping list then having the money and time to get the shopping done.... I could go on and on.  Anyhow, this morning hubby is doing some man stuff and I'm in my pajamas still (it's only a little after 9am).  I chose a blueberry breakfast cake by richestoragsbydori.blogspot.com.  I made a couple of substitutions to use what I have on hand and to make it diabetic friendly. My husband is a diabetic, so he doesn't get this kind of treat often.  I didn't have buttermilk so used 1tbsp lemon juice and a cup of milk. Easy peasy! Then instead of sugar I used honey and I made some oat flour from oatmeal so I only had to use half of the amount of white flour.  Although you could do wheat flour too.  The timer just went off but because I made some changes to the recipe I also have to add a little time for baking.  I'll let you know how it turns out . Fingers crossed!  Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.

Friday, April 4, 2014

That looks a little moose-y!

Whenever I go out for a run/ride on the Sunrise Trail or the camp road, or if we go camping up in the Maine northwoods area I'm always on the lookout for moose.  Moose are the largest member of the deer family and can weigh upwards of 1000 pounds, yet they are very elusive.  Swampy areas with dead trees, like the Schoodic Bog are great areas to potentially see one of these great beasts.  One morning, while out on my morning run on the camp road, I was headed back to camp and came around the corner where there are clumps of birch trees along the side of the road.  Up ahead, nibbling on the brances of a bunch of birch trees, standing right in the road and not leaving me any room to get around, was a huge moose!  I normally have a camera with me, but of course this time I didn't.  All I could do was stand there, quietly and watch. Escape routes were running through my mind, because although he was still a little ways away, I'm pretty sure I couldn't out run him, no large trees around to climb and I didn't have a phone to call for help.  They don't see very well but they can hear and smell so I hoped he didn't hear me breathing hard and want to check me out.  Fortunately he was done munching and ambled off into the woods.  I was still leary to go to the area he left the road, thinking he was waiting in the woods and was going to come out and get me on my way by.  I lived to tell the story and wouldn't mind having this happen again, I will be ready with my camera next time!
Have a great day!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Morning visitor

Well good morning to you, Mr. Owl! 
I was on my way out the door this morning and this owl flew by me about 15ft from the ground.  He was amazing.  I knew tthere was a chance I might be late to work, but I dropped my lunch bag and went back into the house to get my camera.  I followed him around my father-in-law's garage where he was perched high in the pine tree.  He was very curious as to what my motives were for "sneaking" up on him and he kept peeking out from behind the branch.  He flew away to another tree and I followed, out behind the garage now.  I didn't get any good pictures of him from that point because he was too far up and blocked by the branches.  There were smaller birds following him too, which puzzles me.  I assume it's because if the owl gets something, maybe the other birds get leftovers??  Anyhow, thought I would share this with you.  I love taking pictures too, did I mention photography is one of my most favorite outdoor "sports"?  Have a good evening!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Ahhhh, soon.....

Standup paddleboarding is my new thing.  It's a great workout and so peaceful.  You really have to concentrate on not falling over, so your whole body is tense.  I was so sore after the first try.  My friend and I did Long Pond on Mt. Desert Island and it took us about 4hrs.  Awesome!  I will have my own paddleboard by the time the season arrives!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pics soon!

I will have some pictures uploaded soon for your viewing enjoyment :)  Have to get a go pro maybe.... That would be awesome!

Nothing doing today...

Good morning!  Nothing going on today.  Healing from the 5k I ran on Saturday.  It was a beautiful day, but training for a half marathon had taken a toll on me.  I had a calf strain on Tuesday and couldn't run because of the weather on Wednesday and Thursday (snow/rain).  Which was a good thing, so I could try to heal.  I am one who doesn't go to the doctor unless I am in unbearable pain and can't figure out what to do to make it better.  That being said, I investigated on the internet what the problem with my calf was and how to fix it.  I felt better Friday, so ran 5 miles and didn't feel too bad after that.  Saturday came around and I was doing pretty good......until about a mile in and then there was a POP in my calf and I was literally stopped in my tracks.  I couldn't put any weight on the right foot, but kept moving off to the side of the road to get out of the way of the other runners.  I made a comparison of myself looking like Quasimoto dragging my right foot and moving off to the side!  What can you do????   It doesn't do any good to cry about it.  I did manage to start jogging/running and my time was 28:40.  Not too bad.  Needless to say, I am off the circuit for at least a week, depending on how my recovery goes.  May try walking but that will only tempt me to jog.
Have a great day!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Welcome to the adventurous life of a Maine girl!

Hello!  Thank you for stopping by.  I am a 40-something woman living in the most beautiful state in the country (in my opinion).  I was born and raised here and have lived in different areas of the state, from the remote woods of the Moosehead Lake region to the rocky, bold coastal area near Acadia National Park. 

I do alot of outdoor activities and look forward to sharing my adventures with you.  Winter brings cross country skiing, snowshoeing, ice skating, running with "creepers" on my sneakers and building snow forts with my nephew.  Spring is running w/out "creepers" (most of the time:), walking, hiking and gardening.  Summer is running, hiking, kayaking, paddleboarding, boating, fishing and swimming.  Fall is much of the same from the previously mentioned seasons with different clothes on. 

I won't bore you with anymore of the introductions but I hope you will come back and check on me to find out how my latest adventures have turned out.  It will be fun, I promise!